The Christmas Snowman

"It's the same every year," muttered the snowman. "Those children give me an old hat and a moth eaten scarf and then forget about me. That man in the red coat comes along and it's as if I didn't exist. Ugh."

The next day the snowman still didn't feel any happier. "I can feel a thaw in the air," he grumbled. "Drip, drip, my toes are melting already."

The snowman was still grumbling that night when there was a whooshing in the sky and a sleigh pulled by reindeer swooped down onto the snow.

"Oh no," said the snowman. "It's that man in red. What on earth does he want?"

the old man strolled up to the snowman. "Could you look after this bag of presents for me?" He asked. "I'll leave the children a note to say that you have it."

"It'll be safe with me, sir," said the snowman, proud to have a real job at last. He didn't close his eyes all night as he guarded the bag.

In the morning, all the children from the house across the street came running over the snow to find their presents. Their dad came too with his video camera and filmed them opening their gifts.

'Fame at last!' thought the snowman. 'That man in red never stays around to become a star like me. Poor guy. I am lucky after all. The children would miss me as much as him if I were not here. Well almost!'