This Year I Will Stay Awake


This year I will stay awake

all night long make no mistake.

On this Christmas Eve I'll keep

my eyes open, try to peep.

This year I won't drowse or dream

but be alert till Santa's been,

see just what he leaves and how

he fits down our chimney now,

how the presents all appear

hear the sleigh bells and reindeer.

This year I will not count sheep

but pretend to be asleep.

No catnaps or snoozing but I

won't drop off and get some shut-eye.

This year there will be no slumber

I won't let myself go under.

No forty winks or throwing zeds.

No blinking, kipping, heavy headszz..

This year I won't nod or doze

Or let my heavy eyelids close.

This year I won't nod or doze

or let my heavy eyelids close.

or let my heavy eyelids close.

or let my he..avy

or let my he..avy eye..liiids clo..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.



Paul Cookson