Just Doing My Job


I'm one of Herod's Henchmen.

We don't have much to say,

We just charge through the audience

In a Henchman sort of way.


We all wear woolly helmets

To hide our hair and ears,

And Wellingtons sprayed silver

To match our tinfoil spears.


Our swords are made of cardboard

So blood will not be spilled

If we trip and stab a parent

When the hall's completely filled.


We don't look very scary,

We're mostly small and shy,

And some of us wear glasses,

But we give the thing a try.


We whisper Henchman noises

While Herod hunts for strangers,

And then we all charge out again

Like nervous Power Rangers.


Yet when the play is over

And Miss is out of breath

We'll charge like Henchmen through the hall

And scare our mums to death.



Clare Bevan