The Crowd Scene


They say I can't act

they say I can't dance.

They say I can't sing

but teacher won't give me a chance.


So I'm in the crowd scene again.


I asked to be a shepherd,

I begged to be a king.

I said that I'd play any part,

any persons, any thing!


But I'm in the crowd scene again.


I wanted to be an angel

but all of Mum's sheets were blue.

I even asked to be Joseph

but Mary said, "Ugh, not you.."


So I'm in the crowd scene again.


I open and close my mouth,

teacher told me not to sing.

I move from place to place

and I watch and learn everything.


So if ever someone is absent,

I'll know it all by heart.

That's when I'll step from the crowd scene

to play my proper part.



Brian Moses