Dressing Up Again

This time Huckle, my lady bear is joining in. She is Mother Christmas to my Father Christmas. Well they do say that behind every successful man there's a supportive woman and the same is true of bears.

Now that the sleigh is empty it goes much faster and is lots more fun to ride. Before I fetch the sleigh though I have to check up on the elves and the only way of reaching the toy workshop is by skiing.

Here I am just about to start my nights work. Mother has helped me load the sleigh and now I'm ready for the off.

I wonder if anyone will fill our stockings while I'm away?

When I return, quite a while later, she is there to meet me with a mug of hot chocolate and a lovely cookie that has just come out of the oven. Tasty.

These great bears are not really me but are photos by Joan. Her web site is really excellent and tell her I sent you when you visit.